John Morris to Present at Payments 2006
Payments 2006
Knowledge: The New Currency of Success
May 7-10, 2006 San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA
Session 704
Biometric Payment Transactions with ACH: Serious Cost Savings
Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Automated Clearing House Room: 31 C
Several major grocery chains have rolled out biometric-based authentication solutions in conjunction with ACH payments at the point-of-sale and are realizing significant cost savings and security benefits as a result. This case study features a merchant that has deployed such a solution and explores the decision-making, deployment experiences, and operational metrics encountered. Learn what the merchant went through in adopting this technology and what it means to its customers, operations, and bottom line.
Speaker: John Morris
President & Chief Operation Officer Pay By Touch
Poll: Will biometric payment systems become commonplace in retail stores in the future?
Yes (70%)
No (19%)
Not sure (11%)
Orlando Sentinel 2551 votes