Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Try A Live Demonstration - ATMDirect

Pay By Touch Announces First Ever Pin-Debit Payment Option for Online Purchases

Welcome to the World's Most Secure Internet Payment Method

Welcome to a live demonstration of the atmdirect Internet PIN-debit service.

PIN-debit has been proven to be the most secure payment method by over 20 years of retailing use. atmdirect delivers the same benefits of PIN-debit to the Internet including lower costs, lower risks, ease of use and real-time, guaranteed funds. atmdirect is the only software-only based service that meets or exceeds industry standards for PIN-based EFT transactions.

Trainer (Pay by Touch securely handles your PIN, with "No Keystrokes" to foil keyloggers.

We are launching this promotion in order to provide you an opportunity to see how you can use this exciting new payment method.

Or go to http://demo.atmdirect.com

Pay By Touch

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States